Just Like any Surgeon requires a team of Anesthesiologists, Nurses and other Technicians to work together for a successful surgery. Similarly, a Specialist Sports & Exercise Physician requires other allied Sports Specialties for comprehensive care of an Athlete.
Clubs and Sporting Bodies increasingly employ specialist SEM (Sports & Exercise Medicine) Physicians, with the Primary Role being the Comprehensive Health Management of the Athlete to Facilitate Optimal Performance. This includes Diagnosis and Treatment of Injuries and illnesses associated with exercise, ultimately for improving Performance.
In Isolated Rural Community, Sports Medicine or Sports & Excercise Medicine Team may consist of
In an Urban Community, the Sports Medicine Team may consist of a number of Clinicians and Sports Scientists working together and may include:
However, it is highly recommended that a Sports Medicine Team must atleast consist of a Sports & Exercise Medicine Physician, a Sports Physical Therapist and a Strength & Conditioning Specialist or Sports & Excercise Physiologist. Together they may follow the player from injury to fitness and return-to-play.