We care for athletes

2nd International Conference of Indian Society of
Sports and Exercise Medicine

Welcome All

To Kashi/Benaras/Banaras/Varanasi
The Holiest and most Sacred City, on the banks of the holy river Ganga
One of the world's oldest continually inhabited cities
The land of Baba Vishwanath
The land of Gautam Budhha's first sermon and
The spiritual capital of India.

To Banaras Hindu University (BHU),
An Institute of Eminence under Govt. of India
One of the Oldest, most Reputed and Highest Ranking Temples of Learning
One of the Largest Residential Universities in Asia, and the Capital of Knowledge.
The brainchild of Bharat Ratna Mahamana Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya Ji.

2nd International Conference of
Indian Society of Sports and Exercise Medicine

“Physiological Medicine: Fitness, Lifestyle and Performance Medicine”
Workshops: 12th-14th & 17th November 2024
Conference: 15th to 16th November 2024

Organized by:
Department of Physiology, Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS),Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
Under the aegis of Indian Society of Sports and Exercise Medicine (ISSEM)

Physiological Medicine: Fitness, Lifestyle and Performance Medicine

Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM)

Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) is a branch of Medicine that deals with Physical Activity and Exercise for Health Promotion, Fitness and Medical & Therapeutic Use; and overall and comprehensive Medical Care and Health Management of Active, Exercising and Sports Persons with Minimisation of Activity-related Injuries, Illness and Diseases with an ultimate aim to Optimise Health, Human Performance and Dope-free Sports Performance. The emphasis is therefore given on both Human Performance and Sports & Exercise Performance, and on Medical Fitness and Performance Fitness. SEM, thus, requires a multi- and interdisciplinary approach, with expertise and competency requiring from two broad fields of science: Sports-Exercise & Human Performance Sciences, and Medical-Clinical & Allied Health Sciences (figure below).


Indian Society of Sports and Exercise Medicine (ISSEM)

Indian Society of Sports and Exercise Medicine (ISSEM) is a registered, national-level society for Sports & Exercise Medicine in particular; and Sports & Exercise Sciences, Lifestyle & Human Performance Medicine and other domains of Physiological Medicine (Medical-Clinical & Interventional Physiology) in general. ISSEM boasts to be the only national level society in the country established by NMC/MCI recognized specialists in the field of Sports and Exercise Medicine. ISSEM is working continuously for the Health, Fitness and Sports for all, and to make the country Healthy, Fit and the best in the world of both Sports and Human Performance.

Team Image

Dr. Hanjabam Barun Sharma

Sports-Exercise Medicine & Sciences
Health-Performace, Functional and
Lifestyle Medicine
Clinical and Interventional
Physilogy Lab
Institute Of Medical Sciences (IMS), Banaras Hindu University (BHU).
Team Image

Dr. Jyotsna Kailashiya

Clinical Biochemistry
Institute Of Medical Sciences (IMS), Banaras Hindu University (BHU).
Team Image

Dr. Vikas Kailashiya

Institute Of Medical Sciences (IMS), Banaras Hindu University (BHU).

Scientific Programs: Workshops/CMEs*

Date (Day) Workshops/CMEs
12/11/2024 (Tuesday) Session 1(A) (i)Exercise & Fitness Testing (CPET, Neuro-Muscular Fitness etc),
(ii) Anabolic Steroids and Advanced Anabolics: Enigma, Abuse and Safety. A complete workshop on A to Z of Anabolic World
(iii)Exercise Training including BFR,CGM,ECG,EMG,MMT/Dynamometry and Forced Platform based
Session 1(B) Neuro-Physiological Testing and Analysis: BERA and Sleep (Polysomnography)
Session 1(C) Physical Therapy related, Load Management Taping Concept in Sports Injuries, Manual Treatments and Dry Needling
Session 1(D) #Sports-Exercise and Emergency Medical Response
13/11/2024 (Wednesday)
Session 2(A) Cardio-Vasculo-Autonomic Function Testing and Analysis: AFT & HRV, BRS, ABI, PWV and FMD etc
Session 2(B) Neuro-Physiological Testing and Analysis: IONP, tDCS and rTMS etc
Session 2(C) Sports-Exercise Biochemistry & Doping:
(i) Sample Collection Procedure, and
(ii) Principle of Biochemical Tests and Forensic Doping
14/11/2024 (Thursday)
Session 3(A) Skeletal Age Determination: GP method, TW3 method and BonExpert software etc
Session 3(B) Research Methods and Animal Experimentation:
(i) Cardiopulmonary, Smooth and Cardiac Muscle Parameters Recording, and
(ii) Muscle Fibre Typology
Session 3(C) Biomechanical Movement and Gait Analysis
17/11/2024 (Sunday)
Session 4(A) #Pain Medicine (Injection Therapy and others): Basics, Theory and Demonstration
Session 4(B) (i) Body Composition Assessment: Anthropometric Techniques and Application
(ii)Cardiorespiratory Endurance/Fitness Testing:Basics and Applied
(iii)Yoga as corrective exercise
ABI: ankle brachial index; AFT: autonomic function testing; BERA: brainstem evoked response audiometry; BFR: blood flow restriction; BRS: baroreflex sensitivity; CGM: continuous glucose monitoring; CME: continuing medical education; CPET: cardiopulmonary exercise testing; ECG: electrocardiography; EMG: electromyography; FMD: flow mediated dilatation; HRV: heart rate variability; IONP: intra-operative neurophysiology; MMT: manual muscle testing; MSK: musculoskeletal; PWV: pulse wave velocity; rTMS: repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation tDCS: transcranial direct current stimulation,TW: Tanner-Whitehouse

#Only for Registered Medical Doctors (except for Basic Life Support or BLS)
[This is for session 1(D) and session 4(A) only, rest are open for all]

*Modification can be done in both type and schedule of workshops/CMEs.
-Separate registration fee is required for each day of workshop/CME.
-No registration for workshop/CME is allowed without registration for the conference.
-Participants can register for more than one workshop/CME on different days, but only one workshop per day is advised (certificate will be issued for only one session per day).
-Accommodation and Transportation are not included in workshop/CME and conference registration fee.
-Venues of workshops will be intimated to the registered participants

Conference Day 1

15th November 2024 (Friday)

Venue:K.N. Udupa Auditorium, IMS, BHU

Time Programs*
8:00-9:00 Registration and Breakfast
9:00-11:30 Inauguration Ceremony, Welcome Speech and Cultural Programs
11:30-11:50 Introduction to Sports and Exercise Medicine
Session 1 Session 2
11:50-12:10 Sports and Exercise Sciences: Recent Advances Physical and Sports Education: Grassroots to Elite Level
12:10-13:10 Panel Discussion: Sports-Exercise Medicine and Sciences for Dope-free Performance Optimization with Injury and Illness Minimization Sports-Exercise Coaching Science and Training.
13:10-14:10 Lunch and Networking
14:10-15:10 Sports-Exercise Cardiology and Vascular Science Sports-Exercise Physiology Education and Training
15:10-16:10 Sports-Exercise Endocrinology and Metabolism/ OR
Sports-Exercise Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine
Fitness, Lifestyle and Exercise Medicine:
Combating Physical Inactivity, Obesity and NCDs
16:10-17:10 Sports-Exercise and Neurological Science/OR
Sports-Exercise Medicine Education and Training
Sports Dentistry and Oro-Facial Health/OR
Sports-Exercise Otorhinolaryngology and Ophthalmology
*Modification can be done on topic and timing.
- Accommodation and Transportation are not included in workshop and conference registration fee.
- Time and date of general body and executive body meeting (and election) of ISSEM will be declared in due course of time.
^ Separate registration fee is there for Gala Dinner/Banquet
(Registration of the conference is compulsory to attend the Gala Dinner/Banquet. There will be no alcoholic drink or any kind of addiction)

Conference Day 2

16th November 2024, Saturday

Venue:K.N. Udupa Auditorium, IMS, BHU

Time Programs*
8:00-9:00 Breakfast and Networking
Session1 Session2
9:00-10:20 Sports-Exercise musculoskeletal and Tendo-fascia Science Sports-Exercise Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine/Therapy
10:20-11:20 Injury & Illness Prevention, and Load Management Sports-Exercise Engineering and Technology/OR
Sports and Exercise Management
11:20-12:40 Sports-Exercise and Sleep/Chrono-Medicine Sports-Exercise and Psychology/OR Sports-Exercise and Genetics
12:20-13:00 Sports-Exercise and challenging Environments:
Altitude & Depth etc
Sports-Exercise Anthropometry and Kinanthropometry/OR
Sports-Exercise and Biomechanics
13:00-14:00 Lunch and Networking
14:00-15:00 Sports-Exercise and Para-athletes/OR
Yoga and Ancient Indian Wisdom
Sports-Exercise Pulmonology and Respiratory Health/OR
Exercise Medicine and Cancer (Exercise Oncology)
15:00-16:00 Sports-Exercise Nutrition and Metabolic Fitness/Flexibility Sports-Exercise and Paediatric-Adolescent Health/OR
Dance and Performing Art Medicine
16:00-17:20 Sports-Exercise and Gender:
Female Health and Transgender Athletes
Sports-Exercise and Older Athletes/Healthy Aging/OR
Strength and Conditioning
17:00-17:30 Valedictory Function
*Modification can be done on topic and timing.
- Accommodation and Transportation are not included in workshop & conference registration fee.

Abstracts are invited for
Free Poster and Oral Presentations

  1. Research areas:
    • Sports & Exercise Medicine
    • Medical-Clinical Physiology and Biochemistry
    • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Neuro-Musculoskeletal Medicine, Orthopaedics, and Pain Medicine
    • Medical and Health Sciences
    • Physiotherapy and allied Health Sciences
    • Physical Education, Sports-Exercise and Performance Sciences, and Coaching Sciences
    • Biotechnology/Bioengineering and Life Sciences (relevant to human health & Performance)
  2. Abstract must be of unpublished original research work (and unpresented before)
  3. Abstract format (Limit: 250 words):
    • Title
    • Author(s) Name and Affiliations (indicate presenting author name with*)
    • Background/Introduction
    • Objective(s)
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
    • Research Area
    • Your preference for poster or oral presentation
  4. Abstracts must be sent to: issemcon2024@gmail.com and/or issemcon2024kashi@gmail.com
  5. The last date of submission is 12th October 2024.
  6. Registration for the conference is compulsory for poster/oral presentation.
  7. Mode of presentation, time, date and venue will be intimated to selected applicants before conference.

    Competition (for students and scholars)
  • Best oral and presentations certificate will be awarded for each research area.
  • Students need to submit Bonafide Certificate/Endorsement Letter from Guide/Supervisor/Co-Guide/Co-Supervisor/Departmental Head/Institute Head

Registration Fee Details

Category Early Bird
(upto 30/06/2024)
(01/07/2024 to 30/09/2024)
(01/10/2024 to 11/11/2024)
On-spot (No-Conference Kit)
ISSEM Members Non Members ISSEM Members Non Members ISSEM Members Non Members ISSEM Members Non Members
1. Faculty
Doctors and others
5000INR 6000INR 6500INR 7500INR 8000INR 9500INR 9000INR 12000INR
1. Sports, Exercise, Health and Allied Professionals including Scientists, Physiotherapists, Physical Educationists (PEs), & Nurses etc
2.BHU Faculty/Staff/Employee
3. Medical Post-graduates
4500INR 5500INR 7000INR 8000INR
Medical Post-graduates (IMS, BHU only) 4000INR 5000INR 6500INR 7500INR
1. Post-graduates (other than Medical)
2. PhD scholars
3500INR 4500INR 5500INR 6500INR
1. Coaches (state level & above)
2. Players (state level & above)
3. PE/Sports-Exercise Science Professionals (except faculty) who are working on ground
4. BHU coaches/players etc
5. Recommendation by ISSEM office bearers/convenor/cordinators/organizing committee etc
(for non-medical participants etc)
3000INR 4000INR 5000INR 6000INR
Under-graduate Students 2000INR 3000INR 4500INR 5500INR
Foreign Delegates 150USD 175USD 200USD 225USD 250USD 275USD 300USD 325USD
Workshop/CME Registration (Registration of the conference is compulsory) 1000INR for each (500INR for ISSEM Members; and
Post-graduates/residents, scholars & students; 1500INR for all 4 days workshops for Post-graduates/residents, scholars & students who are ISSEM life members)
2000INR for each (1000INR for ISSEM members; Post-graduates/residents, scholars & students) 2500INR for each (2000INR for ISSEM members; Post-graduates/residents, scholars & students)
Gala Dinner/Banquet Registration (Registration of the conference is compulsory): 1000INR per person;
500INR for Post-graduates/residents, scholars & students who are ISSEM life members
2000INR per person
(1500INR for ISSEM members)
2500INR per person
(2000INR for ISSEM members)
Accompanying person(s) [family & relatives etc]: 60% of the concerned fee of the delegate per person (40% for ISSEM members). Accompanying person(s) is/are not allowed to attend workshop(s)/CMEs. No conference kit and certificate will be given.

- Conference and workshop/CME registration fee includes scientific session, certificate, conference kit, breakfast/tea-coffee/snacks, and lunch at the venue.
- Accommodation and transportation will not be given. Participants/Speakers/Faculty have to arrange on their own.
- Registration of the conference is compulsory for free poster & oral presentation, workshops/CMEs and gala dinner/banquet.
- For concession (only with valid & genuine reason) and other queries, contact details: +91-9450870774 (WhatsApp),
   +91-8448744580 (Calling), issemcon2024@gmail.com and issemcon2024kashi@gmail.com (Email).

How to Register

Bank Details for Payment

  1. Name: ISSEMCON 2024
  2. Account No. 42873681357
  3. IFSC Code: SBIN0010178
  4. MICR Code: 221002034
  5. Bank: State Bank of India (SBI)
  6. Branch: IMS, BHU Branch, BHU Campus, Varanasi,
    Uttar Pradesh, India.
qr code
(Bank Payment QR Code)

Steps for Registration

    Calculate your total amount of fees for the Conference
    (Mandatory) + Workshop(s)/CME(s) (Optional) + Gala Dinner (Optional)

  1. Make full amount payment to the above given account
  2. After the payment, kindly fill the Google Form (compulsory)
    with link: https://forms.gle/Nox8TWJhsMGrJmc5A
  3. Email the transaction/payment details (with screenshots) and other details to issemcon2024@gmail.com and/or issemcon2024kashi@gmail.com
  4. Contact details for enquiry: +91-8448744580 (calling), +91-9450870774 (WhatsApp)
    For companies, trusts and societies etc, kindly contact the organizing committee:
    +91-8448744580 (calling), +91-9450870774 (WhatsApp) and issemcon2024@gmail.com and/or issemcon2024kashi@gmail.com (Email) for details.
    *Registration fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
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